Prof. mr. A. Brack
Mr. dr. M.Y. Schaub, A.L.M. Keirse, N.C. van Oostrom, C.M.J. Barendse, A.M. Steegmans
Mr. drs. M.L. Hendrikse, prof. mr. J.G.J. Rinkes
Mr. Th.J.M. van Mierlo
Prof. mr. M.B.M. Loos
Mw. mr. E.M. Bruggeman
Mr. P.N. Meijer
Mr. P.N. Meijer
Prof. mr. M.B.M. Loos
Prof. mr. W.H. van Boom
Bastiaan van Zelst, The Politics of European Sales Law – A Legal-Political Inquiry into the Drafting of the Uniform Commercial Code, the Vienna Sales Convention, the Dutch Civil Code and the European Sales Directive in the Context of the Europeanization of Private Law, dissertatie Universiteit van Amsterdam, Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International/Wolters Kluwer Law & Business (Private law in the European context series) 2008, 265 p.
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