- One and Triune – Mutual Recognition and the Circulation of Goods in the EU online pdf
- Mutual Recognition of Driving Licences in the EU – Current State of Integration and Perspectives online pdf
- Mutual Recognition and the Ever-incomplete Internal Market for Pharmaceuticals online pdf
- Sincere Cooperation, Mutual Trust, and Mutual Recognition in Social Security Coordination online pdf
- Mutual Recognition versus Transnational Administration in Tax Law: Is Fiscal Sovereignty Still Alive? online pdf
- Mutual Recognition, Pre-emption and De-centralisation in the Common Agricultural Policy online pdf
- Mutual Recognition in the Spanish Multi-level Administrative State online pdf
- The Principle of Mutual Recognition in European Administrative Law: Still Alive and Kicking? online pdf
- Zhu G., Deference to the Administration in Judicial Review: Comparative Perspectives (Ius Comparatum – Global Studies in Comparative Law vol. 39), Cham (Switzerland): Springer International Publishing 2019, ISBN 978 3 030 31538 2, xiii + 445 pp, hb € 185, online pdf
- Valaguzza S. and E. Parisi, Public Private Partnerships, Governing Common Interests, Cheltenham-Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing 2020, ISBN 978 1 78990 372 0, x + 256pp, hb £85.00 online pdf
General Editor:
Mariolina Eliantonio
Professor of European and Comparative Administrative Law and Procedure, Maastricht University
Managing Editor:
Danai Petropoulou Ionescu
PhD Candidate, Maastricht University
Senior Editors:
Delphine Costa
Professor of Public Law, University of Aix-Marseille
Luca de Lucia
Full Professor of Administrative Law, University of Salerno
Yseult Marique
Professor, University of Essex
Sacha Prechal
Judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union; Honorary Professor in European Law, Utrecht University
Jane Reichel
Professor of Administrative Law, Stockholm University
Stéphanie De Somer
Associate Professor, University of Antwerp and Of counsel at Van Olmen & Wynant, Brussels
Annalisa Volpato
Assistant Professor of European Law, University of Padova
Rob Widdershoven
Professor of European Administrative Law at the Department of Law, Utrecht University
Ferdinand Wollenschläger
Professor of Public Law, European Law and Public Economic Law, Augsburg University
General Editor of the REALaw blog
Yseult Marique
Jean-Bernard Auby
Tom Barkhuysen
Roberto Caranta
Michael Dougan
Xavier Groussot
Chris J. Hilson
Herwig C.H. Hofmann
Luis Arroyo Jimenez
Petra Lea Láncos
Päivi S. M. Leino-Sandberg
Nina Poltorak
Matthias Ruffert
Lamprini Xenou
Editorial Contact
Danai Petropoulou Ionescu, Managing Editor
Department of Public Law, Maastricht University
P.O. Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht
The Netherlands
Types of Contributions
REALaw publishes scientific articles, perspective articles, book reviews and case law analyses.
Scientific articles should not be longer than 10,000 words (incl. footnotes). They should provide an in-depth and critical analysis of specific issues of European and comparative administrative law. Articles should present original arguments, and provide new insights for further legal research or for solving legal issues concerning European administrative law.
Perspectives should be between 2,000-3,500 words (incl. footnotes) and should highlight a specific development in the field of European and comparative administrative law. Perspective articles should aim to bring attention and provide critical comments opinions on a particular development in an accessible manner, without seeking to be comprehensive or present an in-depth academic analysis of the issue.
Book reviews should be between 2,000 and 6,000 words (incl. footnotes) and should provide critical comments on a recently published volume which addresses issues of European and comparative administrative law. We accept submissions of book reviews within 12-14 months of the publication date.
Case law analyses should be between 2,000 and 6,000 words (incl. footnotes) and should provide constructive and critical commentary on recent relevant case law which addresses issues of European and comparative administrative law. We accept submissions of case law analyses within 8-12 months of the publication of the case.
When submitting a contribution, please follow the most recent version of the OSCOLA manual of citation. Please also make sure to follow our formatting guidelines.
The decision to accept a contribution to REALaw is based on the high quality of the contribution, its innovative character and ability to contribute to existing scholarship in the field of European and Comparative Administrative Law. Decisions to publish are based on double-blind peer-review. The review publishes in accordance with publication ethics guidelines.
The Editorial board does not send papers for review that do not fall into the scope of the journal, do not comply with the editorial guidelines, or have been published or are under review elsewhere.
Prospective authors can discuss the relevance of their papers with the Editorial Board before submitting their article. The journal welcomes expressions of interest from authors and publishers wishing to submit review copies.
For information on copyright ownership see 'Rights and permissions'. After two years from publication, contributions automatically become open access on our website. Immediate open access can be requested upon payment of a fee.
The Review of European and Administrative Law does not require a submission fee.
For submissions and inquiries please contact the Managing Editor of the Review of European Administrative Law at realaw@maastrichtuniversity.nl .
Peer Review Process
All content published in REALaw is subject to a peer review process. Articles can be submitted by authors by the means indicated on the website. After submitting their article, authors receive a confirmation that the article has been received and are informed as soon as possible as to whether the article will be submitted to peer-review.
The managing editor is responsible for submitting the article to the Editorial Board, which can decide to reject it (desk rejection) if it does not fall within the scope of the journal, does not comply with the editorial guidelines, or has been published or is under review elsewhere.
Articles and case law analyses are subject to a double-blind peer review process. Peer review for articles and case law analyses is conducted by at least two referees, which may be from the Editorial Board, the Advisory Board and/or the broader academic community. One referee is always external to the Editorial Board. Book reviews are peer-reviewed by one referee from the Editorial Board. All referees are selected on the basis of their expertise and familiarity with the topic at hand.
Upon accepting the assignment, the referee will strive to assess the author's contribution within a period of 4-6 weeks. In case of delays in the process, the author(s) will be duly notified.
The referee's assessment will be based on the assessment form approved by the Editorial Board, which the referee will submit to the managing editor via e-mail. The article may be accepted or considered acceptable with minor or major revisions, may be reconsidered after revision and resubmission, or rejected. If the referee suggests to ‘revise and resubmit’ the article, the article is subject to new assessment after the resubmission.
The main criteria for acceptance relate to the quality of the manuscript with regard to the state of knowledge in the field of European and/or comparative administrative law as well as to the article’s academic contribution to the field.
Open Access Policy
For information on copyright ownership see 'Rights and permissions'.
Access to the journal is available upon subscription and/or payment of a fee. Please consult the page on prices and subscription for more information.
The Review of European and Administrative Law does not require a submission fee.
After two years from publication, contributions automatically become open access on our website. Immediate open access can be requested upon payment of a fee.